Journey 1 — Relationship with You

Learn to give yourself the love you need.

Be Your Authentic Self

You are worthy

I believe that we are all worthy. We all have a place in this world. We all belong here. We are all loved, and have love to give. Somewhere along the way, things may have happened in our lives to make us dull our light. We dull ourselves and try to fit in a box created by society. Or, we give and give and give until we don’t have anything left for ourselves. What would it feel like to be your true authentic self? Imagine how it would feel to be to be unapologetically you, share your gifts with the world, and love yourself as you are. How would it feel to fill your cup first? When we are our true authentic selves we can shine our light for others and have more to give. I can show you how.

Cultivate Connected Relationships

We all long to have strong connected relationships. We want to feel loved unconditionally. What if I told you our feelings come from our thoughts? The results we get in our life come from the actions we take based on these thoughts. We can’t change others. If we show up differently and act differently, it will change how they respond to us. We can create the connected relationships we want in our lives. Ask me how!

Set up the boundaries and expectations you need to create your best life

There was a time in my life that I was terrible at setting boundaries. I was teaching people how to treat me, by not speaking up for myself. I wouldn’t speak up if a friend cancelled on me at the last second. If my boyfriend showed up four hours late I would shrug it off, not wanting to cause conflict. I would allow my boss to berate me, even when she would call me at 11:00 pm long after we had left work. I would push the feelings down, numb with ice cream and harbor a lot of resentment. After lots of therapy and self help books and my life coach certification training, I have learned the art of setting healthy boundaries and expectations for the relationships in my life. I can help you do this too.

Create clarity and goals for your future

Are you living the life you want to live? Are you rich in life, love, and laughter? Does your cup feel full? Is it running over with the richness of your purpose and your relationships? Or are you confused about what you want? Do you feel overwhelmed with questions on how to get there? Do you know who you are beyond a wife and mother? I can help you achieve clarity and help you get the identity you crave.

You are amazing as your true, authentic self.

You have gifts to give to the world that no one else has.

Fall in love with the

best version of yourself.